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A Buddhist mane, commonly known as prayer wheel is a symbol of Buddhist style of praying. Buddhist and spiritual peace seekers all around the world use the prayer wheel to pray. These hand-held wheels are carried and turned by devotees during their devotational activities. These wheels come in different sizes but all with the same purpose; To manifest harmony and Feng Shui your environment. These wheels have Buddhist prayers crafted on them which are believed to enchant positive energy in your surroundings.
轉經輪是在佛教祈禱時會常用到的,很多虔誠的佛教信徒或追求精神平靜的人在祈禱時都會手持和轉動轉經輪。轉經輪有不同大小,但目的都是一樣 - 體現和諧和改善風水。而它們上面刻有的佛教禱文更可以為周圍的環境注入正能量。